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The Wonders

Posté par Dexwid le 25 juin 2022 à 17:51
Important 🔔 Informations 🔗 Interserveur 🌐


Papy du staff NG
Ψ Ancien joueur Ψ

Inscrit depuis le :
22 février 2016

Messages postés : 262

Hello / Good evening This post aims to highlight the concept of the wonders of the world, explain it to you and introduce you to the various wonders of the world that have been chosen by the UN Inter-Server Council.

What is a Wonder of the World?

A Wonder of the World on NationsGlory is first and foremost an additional program to the basic program that is the UNESCO program on the various servers. Indeed, it is possible to elect on each server a Wonder of the World, this election is done by the Inter-server Council of the UN (Administrators of all servers except the server concerned by the vote) during its Administrative meetings. A wonder of the world brings you a certain advantage in the future, beyond the advantages of UNESCO, you obtain the ultimate advantage for your building which is that this one cannot receive T4 Antimatter missile in addition to its basic protection. It is therefore an honorary title but also practical due to this advantage.

Access conditions:

  • Be a UNESCO building
  • Be the outstanding building of your server
  • Election during an Administrators Meeting

/!\ A building can be dethroned of its title of Wonder of the World if a building that can beat it is presented by the Administrators during an Admin Meeting /!\

Wonders of the World:

Below are the various Wonders of the World that are already in place on the various NationsGlory servers, this list is evolving, new buildings will be added over time.


- No building

Have a good game Cordially, The High-Staff NationsGlory.

Dexwid, Ex Responsable administrateur

21 Janvier 2024: Départ du staff NG
› 09 Mai 2020: Responsable Administrateur
› 25 Mars 2020: Administrateur - Lime (Ouverture)
› 04 Janvier 2017: Administrateur - Yellow
› 08 Décembre 2016: Super-Modérateur - Blue
› 05 Mai 2016: Super-Modérateur - Red
› 04 Avril 2016: Modérateur + - Red
› 06 Mars 2016: Modérateur - Red
› 21 Février 2016: Modérateur Test - Red

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