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Mandatory Scheme: Application Editor

Posté par Zyxo le 21 mars 2023 à 22:44, modifié le 21 mars 2023 à 22:56
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Inscrit depuis le :
28 décembre 2019

Messages postés : 561

This section is reserved for Editor applications only. If this application format is not respected on all 12 points, your application will be refused for "non conformity with the mandatory scheme for editors' applications".

1) The Editors :

The role of the Editors is to write articles that will be published directly on the NationsGlory website (https://nationsglory.com). The articles can be about a Recap of the Week, entertainment articles, tutorials...

This team can also work on Scripts for large projects.

We are looking for people who are proactive, thorough, with good writing skills and lots of ideas.

2) Comments :

  Applications are serious posts and therefore comments will be regulated. You are entitled to post your opinion agree or against but it must be justified.  Furthermore, the nominations are not a place for debate, everyone has the right to give their opinion as long as it is constructive and not insulting.

Unnecessary comments may be sanctioned.

3) Explanation of application :

From now on, you must follow this application scheme to the letter.
Code: font size: 14pt / font size: Arial / the question in white and your answer in yellow.
To make your application copy / paste the explanation below.
If your application is accepted it does not mean that you are integrated, it gives access to the next step which is an oral interview with me and only at the end of this interview you will be accepted or not. Your appointment will be sent to you in the message of acceptance of the application.

4) Nomination scheme :

1.0) IG Nickname → Your nickname on the servers and full Discord tag.

2.0) Age → Your age without lying.

3.0) Seniority on NationsGlory → Year you joined NationsGlory and/or the time you have been on NationsGlory.

4.0) Your Strengths → Minitious, Good spelling, a synthetic vision

5.0) Your Weaknesses → Explanation too long....

6.0) Your motivations → Between 5 and 10 lines on what interests you in the job

7.0) Your working hours → School period / School holidays 

8.0) Do you have Teamspeak (This is not a disqualifier!) → Yes / No 

9.0) Media you can present us about your projects already done→ Video script / Article...

10.0) Idea of Project you would like to realise→ Place to your ideas of video type of article that we could realise.

Modérateur Test CORAL FR  : 30/03/2020 au 06/04/2020

Modérateur CORAL FR  : 06/04/2020 au 11/04/2020

Modérateur + CORAL FR  : 11/04/2020 au 03/05/2020

SuperModérateur CORAL FR  : 03/05/2020 au 05/09/2020

SuperModérateur ALPHA FR  : 21/08/2020 au 05/09/2020

SuperModérateur SIGMA FR  : 05/09/2020 au 01/11/2020

Administrateur OMEGA FR  : 01/11/2020 au 15/02/2022

Administrateur Formateur Bedrock FR  : 04/10/2021 à 21/12/2022

Administrateur ALPHA FR : 19/10/2021 à 15/11/2022 

Administrateur DELTA US : 03/05/2022 au 21/06/2022

Administrateur DELTA FR : 21/06/2022 à 21/12/2022

Resp Com : 26/11/2022 à 12/06/2023

Resp Marketing : 26/11/2022 à maintenant

Resp Event  : 19/04/2023 à 06/06/2023

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